Filter, manage and edit your customers' data, as well as update payment methods and quickly place new sales for them.
All Customers from all sales channels in one place. Apply customized column views or filter your customers to see exactly the ones you want.
Open a customer's page to alter their contact info, or to instantly see all their previous sales, internal notes, shipments, and returns/refunds. You can edit their payment methods, or add new ones for future sales.
Customers can be created when they place a sale, or you can manually create them with a few clicks. Salestar's easy-import feature lets you import all your existing customers and their data in two easy steps.
Quickly place new sales for a customer, by opening their customer page, and clicking the "new sale" button. All data pre-loads including payment method, so you can get the customer what they want, without making them recite all their details again.